Two Timor Leste Nationals achieve internationally recognised Non Destructive Testing (NDT) accreditation

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ConocoPhillips is delighted to congratulate two of our Oceaneering contractors Nuno Da Costa Belo and Manuel Belo, on their achievement of internationally recognised Non Destructive Testing  (NDT) Personal Certification Level II accreditation. They are the first Timor-Leste Nationals to achieve this accreditation in Timor-Leste.  Their hard work, perseverance, and dedication to learning has been recognised with this  achievement.

NDT is a quality control method that is used in asset maintenance to ensure detection of any structural fatigue, flaws or other material defects. Working in the ConocoPhillips Dili office and offshore, the Oceaneering team provides plant inspection and NDT services for the Bayu-Undan Joint Venture Project. The team comprises of seven Timor-Leste Nationals in various positions, including NDT Technicians, and an Asset and Integrity Coordinator. Nuno and Manuel are amongst this team and have been on regular offshore rosters for approximately seven years.

To achieve their PCN Level II accreditation, Manuel and Nuno completed on the job work experience and theoretical training, including many exams, through internal and external training accredited entities. Through this accreditation, both technicians have been deemed competent to perform inspection tasks.

Nuno joined the NDT team in 2013 as an NDT Technician. Nuno is from Baucau and he is 42-years old, married and father of three children. Before joining Oceaneering, Nuno was working in various positions in several organisations.  He started working with the UN Mission as Generator Mechanic and then moved to Ivory Coast, West Africa as an UN Volunteer as an Electro Mechanic before moving to the USA Embassy as Maintenance officer. 

Nuno is currently employed as an NDT Technician and undertakes inspections to pipes, vessels, structure and the deck plate. The methods used for inspection are Penetration Testing (PT), Magnetic Testing (MT), Ultrasonic Testing (UT) and Radiography Testing (RT). Nuno also assists the Plant Inspector to do visual inspections and rope access as required.

Manuel, commonly called Amanu, was born the sixth son of ten brothers in very remote place in the Lautem District.   He is 30 years old, married and a father of one little boy. He went to Technical Vocational School (STM) Catholic private school and specialised in Mechanical Production and then continued to National University (UNTL), Engineering Faculty to undertake a Mechanical Engineering Diploma. He said that his father always motivated him and said, “to be a successful man, you will need to face many challenges”. Manuel always works hard to make his parents proud.  His motto is “Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM)”

Manuel joined Inspection Company, Bureau Veritas Australia in 2014 and went on to work with Oceaneering Australia in 2016. He is currently working as an NDT Technician in the same role as his colleague Nuno, working back to back.

Both Nuno and Manuel believe that achieving this internationally recognised PCN Level II accreditation, will assist their careers as NDT Technicians and allow them to work as NDT Technicians anywhere in the world. Both are also very appreciative to everyone who supported them during their certification program.

ConocoPhillips continues to support contractor training and capacity building programs through local content commitments with contractors, like Oceaneering, that provide Timorese with the opportunity to gain accreditation and increase local capacity in Timor-Leste.

We wish Manuel and Nuno all the best for their future careers. 

Timor oan nain rua hetan sertifikadu Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) akreditadu internasionalmente

ConocoPhillips ho haksolok kongratula Timor oan nain rua Nuno Da Costa Belo emprega ho ami nia kontrator Oceaneering ne’ebé hetan sertifikadu Pessoal Nível II (Sigla Ingles PCN) iha Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) akreditadu internasionalmente. Sira nain rua mak Timor oan nain rua dahuluk ne’ebé hetan sertifikadu ida ne’e iha Timor Leste. Sira-nia dedikasaun, badinas no servisu maka’as atu aprende mak hetan koñesementu ne’e.

NDT mak metode kontrolu kualidade ida ne’ebé usa iha manutensaun ba asset atu asegura deteksaun kualker fadiga estrutura, fallansu ka material seluk ne’ebé defeitus.

Servisu iha ConocoPhillips nia eskritorio iha Dili, no iha tasi, Oceaneering forñese inspeksaun ba planta no NDT ba projeitu Bayu Undan nian. Timor oan hamutuk ema nain 7 mak emprega ho kontrator Oceaneering ho posisaun oin-oin hanesan Tekniku NDT nian, no Asset and Integrity Coordinator. Nuno Da Costa Belo and Manuel mak parte husi grupu ida ne’e no servisu regular ona tuir horario servisu iha planta (tasi) durante tinan 7.

Atu hetan sira sertifikadu Pessoal Nível II (PCN II), Nuno Da Costa Belo no Manuel Belo kompleta ona servisu praktika iha servisu fatin no treinamentu teoria nian inklui teste teoria liu husi treinamentu internal no entidade external ne’ebé akreditadu.

Nuno servisu hamutuk ho grupu NDT iha 2013 servisu hanesan Tekniku NDT. Nuno mai husi distritu Baucau no nia agora dadaun nia tinan 42 ona no moris hanesan kaben-nain no iha oan hamutuk 3. Antes nia mai hamutuk ho grupu NDT, nia emprega ona ho organizasaun barak ho posisaun oin-oin. Nia servisu uluk ho misaun UN iha Timor Leste servisu hanesan Mekaniku ba Gerador.depois servisu ida ne’e muda fali ba Costa do Marfim (Ivory Coast) hanesan Voluntariu UN nian no servisu hanesan Electro Mekaniku antes muda fali ba embasada Estadus Unidus America (EUA) iha Timor Leste no servisu hanesan Ofisial manutensaun nian.

Nuno agora dadaun ne’e emprega hanesan Tekniku NDT no hala’o inspeksaun ba pipa, embarkasaun, estrutura no plaka convé (Deck Plate). Metode ne’ebé usa atu hala’o inspeksun mak Teste penetrasaun (sigla Ingles TP), Teste Magnetiku (Sigla ingles MT), teste Ultrasoniku (Sigla ingles UT) no Teste Radiografia (Sigla ingles RT). Nuno mos assiste Inspeitor Planta nian atu hala’o visual inspeksaun no assesu ba tali karik nesesariu.

Manuel, ema ba-bain bolu nia ho naran koñesidu Amanu, iha nia familia nia mak oan dala neen husi maun alin nain 10, nia moris iha fatin remotas ida iha distritu Lospalos. Nia tinan agora 30 ona, nia agora moris hanesan kaben nain, no iha oan mane ida. Nia estuda iha Escola Teknika Vocational iha Don Bosco Fatumaka, Baucau no foti kursu Mekaniku Produsaun no nia kontinua fali ba Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) iha Fakuldade Engineria foti kursu Mekaniku. Nia dehan katak nia aman fó nafatin enkoraja ba nia no tuir Manuel nia aman dehan katak “atu sai ema ne’ebé susesu tenki hasoru obstaklu barak: tan ne’e Manuel bai-bain ne’e servisu maka’as atu halo nia familia sai kontente ho nia motto” Hamutuk ema hotu sei hetan liu (Sigla Ingles TEAM)

Manuel servisu hamutuk kontrator inspeksaun, Bureau Veritas (BV) iha 2014 no muda fali Oceaneering iha 2016. Nia agora dadaun servisu hanesan Tekniku NDT iha funsaun ne’ebé hanesan ho nia kolega Nuno no sira servisu troka malu iha horariu tasi nian.

Sira nain rua fiar katak hetan sertifikadu Pessoal Nível II iha NDT ne’ebé akreditadu internasionalmente sei assiste sira iha sira nia kareira oin mai hanesan tekniku NDT nian atu bele ba servisu iha ne’ebé deit iha mundu ne’e. Sira nain rua kontente tebes no appresia ba ema hotu nia kontribusaun no supporta durante programa sertifikasaun ida ne’e nian.

ConocoPhillips sei kontinua supporta program treinamentu no kapasitasaun kontrator nian liu husi komitmentu konteidu lokal ho kontrators sira, hanesan Oceaneering ne’ebé forñese Timor oan sira ho oportunidade atu hetan akreditasaun no hasa’e kapasidade lokal iha Timor Leste.  

Ami espera kata Manuel no Nuno hetan susesu boot iha sira nia kareira oin mai.