Timorese students successfully complete Foundational Skills Training Program

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The 14 participants of the Timor-Leste Foundational Skills Training and Internship Program celebrated the completion of a six-month training program at a graduation ceremony held in Dili on Monday 13 May.

The ceremony marked the end of Phase One of a two-phase program, which ConocoPhillips and the Government of Timor-Leste collaborated to develop. The program took place in Dili and Darwin, and provided young Timorese professionals with the opportunity to gain valuable technical and on-the job experience in the oil and gas industry.  

Seven of the graduates will receive internship positions with ConocoPhillips Australia for one year. The internships will provide participants with the chance to gain invaluable experience in their individual disciplines in a work environment. Those who are not progressing to the internship program will have the opportunity to participate in a local industry engagement session to meet and network with local employers.  

Timor-Leste Country Manager, José Lobato Gonçalves, personally congratulated the training program graduates at a ceremony in Dili. “On behalf of ConocoPhillips and our Bayu-Undan JV Partners, we congratulate the graduates for their enthusiasm and commitment to this challenging training program,” said Mr Lobato Gonçalves.  “We were extremely pleased to work with representatives of the Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (ANPM) once again to deliver a second intake for the program.”  

“As we approach Bayu-Undan’s end of field life, ConocoPhillips is proud to support training programs such as this, which aims to contribute to a more diversified workforce with transferable skills to support future Timor-Leste projects.”  

Estudantes Timoroan konklui ho susesu Programa Formasaun Abilidades Fundamentál  

Partisipantes nain 14 hosi Programa Formasaun Abilidades Fundamentál no Estájiu Timor-Leste nian selebra konkluzaun ba programa formasaun ho durasaun fulan neen iha serimónia graduasaun ne’ebé mak hala’o iha Dili iha Segunda-Feira, 13 Maiu.

Serimónia ida-ne’e mak nu’udár rohan hosi Faze Ida hosi programa ho faze rua, ne’ebé dezenvolve liuhosi kolaborasaun hamutuk entre ConocoPhillips no Governu Timor-Leste. Programa ne’e realiza iha Dili no Darwin, no fornese oportunidade ba joven profisionál Timoroan sira atu obtein abilidades negósiu valioza no esperiénsia serbisu iha indústria minarai no gás.

Graduadus nain hitu mak sei simu pozisaun ba estájiu iha ConocoPhillips Austrália durante tinan ida. Estájiu ne’e sei fornese oportunidade valioza ba partisipante sira tuir sira ida-idak nia dixiplina iha ambiente serbisu ida nia laran. Sira hirak ne’ebé mak lakonsege tama iha programa estájiu nian ne’e sei hetan oportunidade atu partisipa iha sesaun engajamentu indústria lokál nian ida hodi koñese no halo interasaun ho empregadór lokál sira.  

Jerente Nasionál Timor-Leste nian, José Lobato Gonçalves, pesoalmente kongratula graduadus hosi programa formasaun nian iha serimónia ida ne’ebé hala’o iha Dili. “Hodi ConocoPhillips no ami-nia Parseirus JV Bayu-Undan nia naran, ami kongratula graduadus hotu-hotu ba sira-nia entuziazmu no kompromisu hodi frekuenta programa formasaun ida dezafiante hanesan ida-ne’e,” katak Sr. Lobato Gonçalves.  

“Ami haksolok tebetebes atu serbisu hamutuk dala ida tan ho reprezentantes hosi Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (ANPM) hodi realiza entrada daruak ba programa ne’e.”  

“Ita hatene katak agora ita hakat daudaun ba iha rohan hosi vida útil kampu Bayu-Undan nian, ConocoPhillips orgullu tebes atu fó apoiu ba programas formasaun hanesan ida-ne’e nian, ne’ebé ho objetivu atu kontribui ba forsa traballu ida diversifikadu liutan ho abilidades transferivel hodi suporta Timor-Leste nia projetu sira iha aban-bainrua.”