Wood Timor-Leste Engineering Team recognised for dedication

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The hard work of a number of Wood  Timor-Leste engineering team members has been recognised with several recent promotions.

Based in the ConocoPhillips Dili office, the Wood team provides engineering services for the Bayu-Undan Joint Venture Project. The team comprises of 18 Timor-Leste Nationals in various positions including Junior Designers, Trainee Designers, Technical Data Clerks and an Administration Manager and IT Deskside Analyst.

Ana, Domingos, Jucilia and Adao are among this team Wood recently promoted these four individuals, after completing comprehensive competency assessments on the work and training assigned to them via internal and external training entities.

Ana Gloria Menezes Soares joined the Engineering team in 2014 as a Technical Data Clerk. She was promoted for her dedication, hard work and her knowledge of Plant Condition Management Software (PCMS). Her new role requires detailed technical knowledge of PCMS to manage inspection documents and reports for Darwin LNG, the Bayu-Undan Project and other ConocoPhillips global work.

Ana is proud of her promotion and said the new role was helping to increase her knowledge and skills. She believes that “the only way to do great work is to love what you do” and she demonstrates this every day through her continued hard work and positive attitude.

Domingos Xavier stepped into the role of IT Deskside Analyst in a temporary capacity, and due to the excellent work Domingos achieved in this role, he was promoted from IT Support Technician to this position on an ongoing basis. It is a credit to Domingos to have learned all aspects of the technical requirements of the business. He now provides not only technical knowledge but customer service and IT support to visitors and personnel in the Dili office and to the Dili heliport.

Jucilia Belo has developed from her role as Engineering Design Trainee during which she completed Certificates of Competency from EIT courses in Piping Design and Instrumentation and Control. She is now working as a Junior Designer due not only to her improved competencies, but also as a result of her excellent productivity and accuracy in her design work. Jucilia has been able to draw on her previous experience in architecture and building design and is continuing to develop her understanding of the Oil and Gas industry and the Codes and Standards in this new role.

Adao Lopes Santos was recognised for his skills development to be promoted from Junior Designer (Piping) to Designer (Piping). Adao demonstrated the fundamental competencies and knowledge to be promoted to a Piping Designer role, assisted by the Certificate of Competence he received when he completed the EIT Course in Piping Design in 2018. He will continue to gain experience in Plant and Piping Layout which is supported by his sound piping design experience.

ConocoPhillips congratulates all of those who received recent promotions and thanks the Wood contractors for their outstanding commitment to their work and to their own professional and personal development. We continue to encourage all of our Bayu-Undan contractors to proactively seek and participate in programs and other career pathways available.  

ConocoPhillips continues to work closely with Wood and other contract agencies to deliver programs that develop the skills, competencies and experience needed for the individual’s development and future employment.

Ekipa Engineeria Wood Timor Leste hetan rekoñesimentu ba sira nia dedikasaun

Foin dadaun ne’e membru balun husi ekipa engineeria Wood Timor Leste nian hetan rekoñesimentu ba sira nia prestasaun servisu.

Durante ne’e ekipa enginaria Wood Timor Leste servisu iha ConocoPhillips nia eskritorio iha Dili hodi forñese  servisu engineria nian ba projetu Bayu Undan nian. Grupu ida ne’e hamutuk ema nain 18 mesak Timor oan deit ho posisaun oin-oin hanesan  Desenhista Junior,  Desenhista Estagiário, Empregados de Dados Técnicos, Gerente Administrasaun no Analista Deckside IT.

Ana, Domingos, Jucilia and Adao parte husi ekipa engineiru ida ne’ebé hetan promosaun hafoin kompleta avaliasaun komprehensivu ba sira nia kompetensia durante sira emprega no liu husi treinamentu ne’ebé haraik ba sira hala’o iha organizasaun nia laran no liu husi entidade seluk.

Ana Gloria Menezes Soares hamutuk ho grupu engineiru ida ne’e iha 2014 hahu funsaun hanesan Empregadus Dadus Tékniku nian. Nia hetan promosaun ba posisaun Analysta PCMS (Plant Condition Management Software) tanba nia dedikasaun, prestasaun, no esforsu tomak durante ne’e nia hala’o no nia koñesementu ba area ida ne’e. nia funsaun foun ida ne’e ezije nia atu iha koñesementu tekniku ne’ebé detaillu atu gere dokumentu inspeksaun nian no relatóriu LNG, Projetu Bayu-Undan no Projetu global seluk.  

Ana kontente ho promosaun ida ne’e no nia hateten katak funsaun foun ida ne’e bele ajuda nia atu eleva ninia koñesementu no habilidade. Nia fiar katak “atu hala’o servisu ho diak mak hadomi saida mak o hala’o” no nia hala’o ida ne’e liu husi nia esforsu lor-loron nian no sei kontinua ho attitude ne’ebé positivu. 

Domingos Xavier hahu nia funsaun foun ida ne’e ho temporariamente deit, maibe tanba wainhira nia hala’o funsaun ida ho koidadu no hetan resultadu ne’ebé diak tebes ho ida ne’e nia hetan promosaun husi Apoia Teckniku IT ba Analista IT Deckside nian.  ida ne’e espasu diak tebes ba Domingos atu estuda aspeitu hotu-hotu ba rekesitus tekniku negosiu nian. agora dadaun Domingos la’os deit forñese koñesementu tekniku nian maibe mos forñese servisu apoia kliente no apoia empregadu hotu-hotu iha ConocoPhillips nia eskritoriu iha Dili no iha Aeroportu.

Jucilia Belo dezenvolve ona ninia funsaun durante ne’e hanesan Deseinista Estagiaria  ida ne’ebé nia kompleta ona sertikadu kompetensia nian husi EIT kona-ba deseño piping, instrumentasaun no kontrolu. Jocilia agora dadaun nia posisaun hanesan Desenhista Junior. Ho posisaun ida ne’e la’os deit atu hadia ninia kompetensia maibe tanba nia mos hetan prestasaun ne’ebé diak durante nia hala’o nia kna’ar hanesan presisaun (Accuracy)  iha ninia deseño ne’ebé nia halo.  Jucilia bele halo deseño basei ba nia esperensia anterior  iha arquitetura no projetu konstrusaun nian no nia kontinua nafatin atu eleva nia  koñesementu kona ba kodigu no padraun iha seitor indústria petroleu nian.

Adao Lopes Santos  hetan rekoñesementu ba ninia desenvolvimentu abilidade tan ne’e nia hetan promosaun husi Desenhista Junior (Piping) ba Desenhista  (Piping). Adao hatudu ona fundamentu kompetensia no abilidade atu promove nia ba funsaun foun ida ne’e hanesan Desenhista Piping nian ida ne’ebé hetan supporta mos sertifikadu kompetensia nian ne’ebé nia simu wainhira nia kompleta kursu EIT nian kona ba Deseñu Piping iha 2018. Nia sei kontinua atu hetan esperensia kona ba Planta no Layout Piping no sei hetan supporta husi nia experensia rasik ne’ebé nia iha ona.

ConocoPhillips kongratula ba sira ne’ebé hetan promosaun no agredese ba Wood kona ba sira komitmentu eksepsional ba sira nia servisu no profesionalismu no desenvolvimentu personal. Ami kontinua enkoraja ba kontraktor hotu-hotu atu proativu buka no partisipa program sira ne’e no kareira seluk ne’ebé iha.

ConocoPhillips sei kontinua servisu hamutuk ho Wood no agensia seluk atu implementa programa ida ne’ebé desenvolve abilidade, kompetensia no experensia ne’ebé importante ba desenvolvimentu individual no empregu futuru oin mai.