Training & Internship Program provides in-depth industry insight for Timor-Leste graduates

The 14 participants of the Timor-Leste Foundational Skills Training and Internship Program recently enjoyed a tour around our Darwin LNG (DLNG) facilities.

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The 14 participants of the Timor-Leste Foundational Skills Training and Internship Program recently enjoyed a tour around our Darwin LNG (DLNG) facilities.

The group was welcomed into Phase 1 of the program late last year. The first six-month phase takes place in Dili and Darwin and provides the graduates with important foundational skills and knowledge about the oil and gas industry. It includes subjects such as oil and gas safety; training in computer literacy and communication skills – all essential skills for future employment.  

In 2014, ConocoPhillips Australia and the Government of Timor-Leste collaborated to develop the two-phase program to provide young Timorese professionals with the opportunity to gain valuable business skills and on-the job experience in the oil and gas industry.  Following the success of a pilot program held in 2014-16, the parties came to agreement to conduct a second program.  

The Timorese graduates were chosen from more than 1,000 applicants from various universities and disciplines, following an extensive advertising campaign. Many graduates took part in a comprehensive selection process, with 14 selected to participate in Stage 1.  

Their recent DLNG visit included a tour of the operational area and central control room as well as an overview of the facility, the LNG liquefaction process and presentations from two local engineers about their career journey so far and their role at ConocoPhillips.  Participants Eligio Basualdo Alves and Celestino Da Costa Amaral commented that the tour “was a wonderful experience, because we could see the plant and listen directly to professional and hard-working people who are actually working there.”  

Senior HR Business Partner for Darwin and Timor-Leste, Carly Sherren, said "the visit provided the opportunity for participants to have an interactive tour of an operating facility. Their enthusiasm and initiative to ask many questions of our employees was very impressive and ensured their visit was as valuable as possible."  

The Timorese graduates who successfully complete Phase 1 will have the opportunity to apply for the Phase 2 Internship Program, under which seven graduates will receive internship positions with ConocoPhillips Australia for one year. The internships will provide participants with the chance to gain invaluable oil and gas industry experience in their individual disciplines.

Programa Formasaun & Estájiu nian fornese vizaun indústria nian ida aprofundada ba graduadus Timor-Leste nian

  Partisipantes nain 14 hosi Programa Formasaun Abilidades Fundamentál no Estájiu Timor-Leste nian resentemente iha proveitu di’ak hodi halo eskursaun ida haleu ami-nia instalasaun LNG iha Darwin (DLNG).

Grupu ne’e simu hodi tama ba iha Faze 1 hosi programa ne’e iha tinan kotuk. Faze primeiru ho durasaun fulan neen ne’ebé hala’o iha Dili no Darwin ne’e oferese abilidades fundamentál no koñesimentu importante ba graduadu sira kona-ba indústria minarai no gás. Ida-ne’e inklui tema sira mak hanesan seguransa minarai no gás nian, formasaun kona-ba literasia informátika no abilidades komunikasaun nian – abilidades hotu-hotu ne’ebé esensiál ba empregu iha aban-bainrua nian.

Iha tinan 2014, ConocoPhillips Austrália no Governu Timor-Leste kolabora hamutuk hodi dezenvolve programa ida ho faze rua atu fó oportunidade ba joven profisionál Timoroan sira atu obtein abilidades negósiu valioza no mós esperiénsia serbisu iha indústria minarai no gás nian. Depoiz de hetan susesu iha implementasaun ba programa pilotu ne’ebé hala’o ona iha tinan 2014-16, parte sira konkorda atu hala’o fali programa ba daruak nian.  

Graduadus Timoroan sira-ne’e selesionadu entre kandidatu nain 1,000 resin ne’ebé mai hosi universidades no dixiplinas oioin, depoiz de halo tiha kampaña publisitária ne’ebé ho kobertura luan. Graduadus barak mak hola parte iha prosesu selesaun abranjente, ne’ebé ikus mai konsege hili ema nain 14 hodi partisipa iha Faze 1.  

Sira-nia vizita resente ba DLNG ne’e inklui eskursaun ida ba área operasionál no sala kontrole sentrál nian no mós halo observasaun jerál ba instalasaun ne’e, prosesu likefikasaun ba LNG no aprezentasaun hosi enjeñeiru lokál nain rua kona-ba sira-nia jornada profisionál to’o agora no mós sira-nia knaar iha ConocoPhillips. 

Partisipantes Eligio Basualdo Alves no Celestino Da Costa Amaral fó komentáriu katak eskursaun ne’e “hanesan esperiénsia ida kmanek tebes, tanba ami bele haree planta no rona diretamente hosi ema sira mak serbisu ho profisionál no neon-badinas ne’ebé agora daudaun serbisu hela iha ne’ebá.”  

Senior HR Business Partner ba Darwin no Timor-Leste nian, Carly Sherren, hateten "vizita ida-ne’e fó oportunidade ba partisipante sira atu halo eskursaun interativu ba iha instalasaun operasionál nian ida. Sira-nia entuziazmu no inisiativa hodi husu perguntas barak ba ami-nia funsionáriu sira-ne’e impresionante tebes no mós garante katak sira-nia vizita ne’e valioza tebes duni."  

Graduadus Timoroan sira ne’ebé mak konsege konklui Faze 1 ho susesu sei hetan oportunidade atu kandidata an ba Faze 2 hosi Programa Estájiu nian, iha-ne’ebé graduadus nain hitu sei hetan pozisaun atu halo estájiu ho ConocoPhillips Austrália durante tinan ida nia laran. Estájius ne’e sei fó oportunidade ba partisipante sira atu hetan esperiénsia inestimável iha indústria minarai no gás  nian tuir sira ida-idak nia dixiplinas.