Timor-Leste supplier delivers steel fabrication to Bayu-Undan

Collaboration between ConocoPhillips, operator of the Bayu-Undan Joint Venture Project, the Clough Amec Joint Venture and Dili-based company RMS Engineering & Construction is providing training and development opportunities for the RMS Timorese fabric

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Collaboration between ConocoPhillips, operator of the Bayu-Undan Joint Venture Project, the Clough Amec Joint Venture and Dili-based company RMS Engineering & Construction is providing training and development opportunities for the RMS Timorese fabrication team.

RMS has been contracted by ConocoPhillips to fabricate a total of 190 individual structural steel components for the Bayu-Undan Project. The items are being fabricated in Timor-Leste by local workers (one welder, two labourers and four painters).

The Clough Amec Joint Venture is supporting ConocoPhillips with the overall fabrication strategy, including close coordination with RMS and the personnel involved to strengthen their skills and work experience to fabricate the items in accordance to specifications.

During the process of the fabrication, visual inspections were carried out by ConocoPhillips’ local Quality Control Inspector (QCI) which consisted of the dimensional check, visual inspection of welding blast profile and coats to determine the items were fit for purpose.

Sancho and Domingos are two of the seven Timor-Leste Nationals who are working on this project. They have been involved throughout the fabrication process from the material cutting, welding to the blasting & painting and packing.

Sancho got his Level 1 Welding Certificate from Don Bosco Training Centre and worked as a welder with a range of construction companies in Timor-Leste before joining RMS in 2012. 

Sancho said he appreciated being able to work on the project and enjoyed having the chance to gain more skills and knowledge. “We have delivered a number of fabrication projects, but this is really different because ConocoPhillips has come with full drawings, and a supervisor and inspector to help and guide us to ensure all work is aligned with the drawings and to the quality and standard required,” he said.

Domingos joined RMS in 2012 as a mechanic and driver. Before joining RMS, he worked for several organisations in various positions such as driver, interpreter and mechanic.

Domingos said it was a unique project as the team had to work according to the requirements and specifications in drawings, and the items would be installed offshore, which they hadn’t dealt with before. “Personally, I appreciate and thank ConocoPhillips and RMS for the opportunity to learn new things because this is something I haven’t done in my past work,” he said.

Jamie Phillips, Fabrication Coordinator, said he couldn’t praise the Timorese employees enough for their work ethic and dedication to quality.

“All employees not only stepped up the quality, but they were all enthusiastic to learn and very grateful for the knowledge provided to them,” he said. 

The items will be packed and transported to Bayu-Undan via Darwin and are scheduled to leave Dili next week.    

Forñesedor Timor Leste nian forñese fabrikasaun besi asu ba Bayu Undan  

Kolaborasaun entre ConocoPhillips, operador Bayu-Undan, Clough Amec Joint Venture no RMS Engineering & Construction fó treinamentu no oportunidade dezenvolvimentu ba grupu fabrikadór Timor oan iha RMS.

RMS hetan kontratu husi ConocoPhillips atu haló fabrikasaun ba sturutura besi asu ho total komponente hamutuk 190 ba projeitu Bayu Undan. Komponente hirak ne’e fabrika husi Timor oan sira (soldadór 1, Traballadór 2 no pintór 4)

Clough Amec Joint Venture supporta ConocoPhillips ho strategia fabrikasaun nian, inklui mós halo koordensaun ho RMS no Timor oan sira ne’ebé involve iha projeitu ne’e atu haforsa liu tan esperensia servisu no habilidade atu haló fabrikasaun tuir spesifikasaun ne’ebé prepara ona.

Durante prosesu fabrikasaun, inspeksaun hala’o husi “ Inspeitór kontrola kualidade” Conocophillips nian. Inspeitor sira ne’e kontrola no verifika dimensaun, Kualidade soldadura no kualidade pintura ne’ebé atu detemina item sira ne’e tuir duni propositu.

Sanco ho Domingos mak Traballadór nain rua husi nain 7 ne’ebé servisu direitamente ba projeitu ida ne’e. Sira nain rua involve husi prosesu fabrikasaun tomak hahu husi tesi material (cuttings materials) prosesu soldadura, pintura no halo’ot iha kontentor.  

Sancho hetan nia  sertifikadu nivel 1 iha soldadura husi Don Bosco training Centre no servisu ona ho  kompaña oin – oin  hanesan Soldador antes servisu hamutuk ho RMS iha  tinan 2012.

Sancho dehan “nia appresia tebes atu servisu iha projeitu ida ne’e no kontente tebes tanba bele hetan oportunidade atu hetan koñesimentu no abilidade diak liu tan”

Nia espresa liu tan katak “Ami hala’o ona projeitu fabrikasaun barak maibe ida ne’e diferente tebes tanba ConocoPhillips mai ho ninia deseño, Supervisor no Inspeitur sira atu ajuda no fó dalan atu garantia servisu hotu tuir deseño no kualidade ne’ebé detemina ona”.

Domingos servisu iha RMS iha 2012 hanesan Mekaniku no Kondutor. Antes servisu hamutuk ho RMS, nia servisu ona ho organisaun barak ho posisaun oin – oin haneasan Kondutor, Tradutor no Mekaniku. Domingos dehan “Projeitu ne’e uniku no hanesan membru grupu nian ami servisu tuir rekerementu no spesifikasaun tuir deseño ho koidadu tanba sasan hirak ne’e sei instala iha tasi,  iha ne’ebé ami sedauk hasoru antes.

Pesoalmente, hau apresia no fó obrigado ba ConocoPhillips no RMS tanba haraik oportunidade atu ami bele aprende buat foun ne’ebé ami nunka hala’o ami nia servisu iha passadu.

Jamie Phillips, Koordenador Fabrikasaun nian, hateten katak nia elogia ba Traballadór Timor oan ba sira nia etika servisu no dedikasaun ba kualidade.

“Timor oan sira la’os deit atu hasa’e kualidade maibe sira entuasias teb-tebes atu aprende no apresia ba koesementu ne’ebé haraik ba sira” nia dehan tan.

Sasan hirak ne’e sei halo’ot iha kontentor no sei lori ba Bayu Undan liu husi Darwin, Australia no tuir orario sasan hirak hirak ne’e sei sai husi Dili fim Jullu 2018.