Timor-Leste Prime Minister impressed by first visit to Bayu-Undan

Read the Tetum version here

Our offshore team at Bayu-Undan had a very special guest last week, when the Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste, H.E. Sr. Taur Matan Ruak, and his wife Sra. Isabel da Costa Ferreira, visited the offshore facility, around 250 kilometres from Timor-Leste.

Sr Taur Matan Ruak was also accompanied by his team,  President of the Autoridade Nacional do Pétroleo e Minerais (ANPM) Sr. Gualdino da Silva, representatives of the ConocoPhillips Australia Business Unit West Leadership Team and local media. 

Sr. Taur Matan Ruak had the opportunity to attend presentations delivered by 6 Timorese employees who talked about their experiences working on Bayu-Undan and the training and professional development opportunities provided to them during the course of their careers.

The Prime Minister and his team then conducted a tour around the Central Production and Processing complex (CPP) and the Compression, Utilities and Quarters platform (CUQ), guided by a team of Timorese employees led by Edgar da Silva Soares, Operations Technician.

Edgar da Silva Soares is one of over 300 Timorese Nationals working on the Project, both onshore and offshore.

As operator of Bayu-Undan, ConocoPhillips is committed to local content and works closely with its major contractors to develop local employment opportunities. Timorese nationals working in technical roles, such as plant operators and maintainers, are supported to ensure they have every opportunity to develop to their full potential.

The Prime Minister was very impressed to see how such complex facilities are installed and operating safely in “the middle of nowhere”, with many Timorese competently performing their respective roles.  

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank ConocoPhillips and the Bayu-Undan Joint Venture for accommodating this visit and giving opportunity to young Timorese to gain valuable experiences in the Bayu-Undan project,” he said.

“I would like to congratulate those of you who are currently working here and urge you to make use of this opportunity to learn as much as you can, as such opportunity only comes once.”

Francisco da Cruz, Materials Coordinator Assistant and Aureo Assis de Jesus Pereira, Operation Technician represented the Timorese contingent and expressed their appreciation and gratitude towards the Prime Minister’s visit, as it gave them the opportunity to share their experiences working offshore.  

On behalf of the Bayu-Undan Joint Venture Partners, we would like to thank Prime Minister Sr. Taur Matan Ruak, Sra. Isabel da Costa Ferreira and their team for visiting Bayu-Undan.

Primeiru-Ministru Timor-Leste impresionadu ho vizita dahuluk ba Bayu-Undan

 Ami-nia ekipa tasi-klaran nian iha Bayu-Undan simu bainaka ida espesiál tebes iha semana kotuk, wainhira Primeiru-Ministru Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste, S.E. Sr. Taur Matan Ruak, no ninia kaben Sra. Isabel da Costa Ferreira, halo vizita ba instalasaun tasi-klaran nian, ho distánsia maizumenus kilómetru 250 hosi Timor-Leste.

Sr. Taur Matan Ruak mós akompaña hosi ninia ekipa, Prezidente Autoridade Nacional do Pétroleo e Minerais (ANPM) Sr. Gualdino da Silva, reprezentantes Ekipa Lideransa Osidentál hosi Unidade Negósiu ConocoPhillips Austrália no imprensa lokál sira. 

Sr. Taur Matan Ruak iha biban atu rona aprezentasaun ne’ebé hato’o hosi funsionáriu Timoroan nain 6 ne’ebé ko’alia kona-ba sira-nia esperiénsia serbisu iha Bayu-Undan no mós oportunidades ba formasaun no dezenvolvimentu profisionál ne’ebé mak hafó ona ba sira durante kursu hosi sira-nia karreira.

Tuirmai Primeiru-Ministru no ninia ekipa la’o haleu kompleksu Sentrál Produsaun no Prosesamentu (CPP) no mós plataforma Konsentrasaun, Utilidades no Alojamentu (CUQ) nian, giaduekipa funsionáriu Timoroan sira ne’ebé lidera hosi Edgar da Silva Soares, Tékniku Operasaun.

Edgar da Silva Soares nu’udár funsionáriu ida hosi Sidadaun Timoroan nain 300 resin ne’ebé mak serbisu iha Projetu ne’e, tantu iha rai-maran no mós iha tasi-klaran. Nu’udár operadór ba Bayu-Undan nian, ConocoPhillips komprometidu ba konteúdu lokál no serbisu iha kolaborasaun di’ak ho ninia kontratór prinsipál sira hodi dezenvolve oportunidades ba empregu lokál nian. Sidadaun Timoroan sira ne’ebé serbisu ho funsaun téknika nian, hanesan operadór no mantenedór ba instalasaun nian, hetan apoiu atu garante katak sira iha oportunidade hotu-hotu atu dezenvolve sira-nia poténsia tomak.

Primeiru-Ministru sente impresionadu tebes hodi haree oinsá mak fasilidades ne’ebé kompleksa hanesan ne’e  sai instaladu no funsiona ho seguru iha “fatin fuik  no dook”, ho Timoroan barak ne’ebé hala’o sira ida-idak nia funsaun ho kompeténsia.

 “Hau hakarak atu aproveita oportunidade ida-ne’e hodi agradese ba ConocoPhillips no Joint Venture Bayu-Undan nian ne’ebé fasilita ona vizita ida-ne’e no mós fó oportunidade ba foinsa’e Timoroan sira hodi manán esperiénsia valiozu iha projetu Bayu-Undan,” nia hateten.

“Hau hakarak kongratula imi hirak ne’ebé mak agora daudaun serbisu iha ne’e no husu ba imi atu aproveita oportunidade ida-ne’e atu aprende barak liu tuir imi bele, tanba oportunidade hanesan ne’e mai dala ida deit.”

Francisco da Cruz, Asistente Koordenadór Materiál no Aureo Assis de Jesus Pereira, Tékniku Operasaun reprezenta kontijente Timoroan nian no hato’o sira-nia apresiasaun no agradesimentu ba vizita Primeiru-Ministru nian, tanba okaziaun ne’e fó oportunidade ida ba sira atu fahe sira-nia esperiénsia serbisu iha tasi-klaran.  

Hodi Parseirus Joint Venture Bayu-Undan nia naranJoint, ami hakarak hato’o obrigadu ba Primeiru-Ministru Sr. Taur Matan Ruak, Sra. Isabel da Costa Ferreira no sira-nia ekipa ne’ebé mak halo ona vizita ba Bayu-Undan.