Timor-Leste employment outcomes for Noble’s Bayu-Undan Infill Wells Drilling Rig Contract

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ConocoPhillips, operator of the Bayu-Undan joint venture, and Bayu-Undan Infill Wells (BUIW) drilling rig contractor Noble have employed 32 Timorese workers across a range of disciplines as part of an agreed local content plan for the BUIW project.

The group of 16 drilling crew as well as 16 catering and steward crew join many Timor-Leste nationals who are training with and employed by ConocoPhillips and contractors, both offshore and onshore as part of the wider Bayu-Undan Joint Venture project.

Noble had committed to employing Timor-Leste nationals for 24 positions on the Noble Tom Prosser drilling rig contract, as agreed with ConocoPhillips through the local content plan. These comprised of 16 operational positions within the drilling crew, including Floorman, Roustabouts and Radio Operators, in addition to 8 catering positions working across 2 crews.

Noble advertised the drilling crew positions locally and the recruitment process was carried out in early 2018. The resulting 16 Timorese drilling crew were hired in February 2018, to undergo training and early onboarding prior to rig mobilisation.

With the commencement of subcontracted catering services, a total of 16 personnel (12 Stewards and 4 Cooks) were employed, resulting in a total of 32 positions.  Noble have also trained an additional 16 Timor-Leste nationals on the Noble Tom Prosser as contingency catering personnel.

During the BUIW drilling campaign, the Timor-Leste rig crew will be involved in activities supporting the drilling, completion and flowback of the wells.  Activities such as safe operations planning, wellbore construction from a Jack up rig, efficient logistics planning and execution of both equipment and personnel, monitoring weather conditions and operating communications systems.

All crew members completed the Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) and the Oil and Gas United Kingdom (OGUK) Medical as mandatory requirements for entry into oil and gas facilities.

Members of the drilling crew have also been enrolled in Noble’s mentoring program to provide ongoing on-the-job training and support.

Since the commencement of Bayu-Undan activities, ConocoPhillips has incorporated employment and training programs into its work scopes to create opportunities for Timor-Leste nationals to develop skills, not only for petroleum activities, but skills that are transferable to other industries, projects and roles.   

Wherever possible, ConocoPhillips strives to go beyond requirements in the Bayu-Undan production sharing contracts and create further opportunities to increase Timor-Leste local content.

ConocoPhillips Well Operations Manager Luke Lawrence said meeting this latest target was just one way the company continued to demonstrate its commitment to local content.

“ConocoPhillips and its contractors are committed to providing employment and professional development opportunities to Timorese people. In fact, there are now over 300 Timor-Leste nationals training and employed as part of the Bayu-Undan Joint Venture Project,” Mr Lawrence said. “With drilling activities ramping up as part of the Infill Wells Program we have new team members arriving every day, and we have a strong focus on providing mentoring and support for them as they settle into their roles.” “We’re very glad to welcome our new teams to the rig and we wish them all the best.”

Find out more about Local Content in Timor-Leste.

Read about the Noble Tom Prosser Rig Blessing Ceremony.

Resultadu Empregu Timor Oan Sira Husi Kontratu Perfurasaun Noble Nian Ba Projeitu  Bayu – Undan Infill Wells (BUIW) 

Conocophillips hanesan operador ba parseiru Bayu Undan no Bayu Undan Infill Wells (BUIW) emprega ona Timor oan hamutuk 32 rua liu husi kontratu perfurasaun através iha area oin-oin hanesan deside on iha planu konteidu lokal ba projeitu Bayu -Undan Infill Wells (BUIW)

husi total 32 Timor oan sira,  nain 16 mak koloka iha ekipa perfurasaun no 16 seluk mak koloka iha ekipa refesoes (Catering) nian hamutuk ho Timor oan sira seluk ne’ebé hetan trainamentu no emprega direitamente ho Conocophillips ho nia kontratante sira iha ne’ebé balun servisu iha tasi laran no iha rai maran hanesan parte bo’ot husi projeitu Bayu Undan.

Noble promete atu emprega Timor oan hamutuk 24 iha kontratu perfurasaun Noble Tom Prosser (NTP), ne’ebé deside ona ho ConocoPhillips liu husi planu konteidu lokal nian. Posisaun hirak ne’e mak 16 Timor oan mak iha operasaun ekipa perfurasaun nian inklui posisaun sira hanesan Floorman, Roustabout and Operador Radio, aumenta tan timor oan nain 8 iha posisaun hanesan refesoes (Catering) através servisu iha ekipa rua.

Noble anunsia vaga sira ne’e iha media lokal sira iha Timor Leste no prosesu seleksaun hala’o iha inisiu fulan Fevereiru 2018. Prosesu ida ne’e rekruta ema Timor oan hamutuk 16 atu hala’o treinamentu no bele tama ona serviso antes mobiliza equipamentu perfurasaun nian.

Ho hahu kontrata servisu refesoes (Catering), hamutuk Timor oan nain 16 hanesan (12 Steward no 4 hanesan   kozinheiro) ne’ebé emprega ona, ida ne’e resulta hamutuk 32 Timor oan sira servisu ona ba kompaña Noble. kompaña ne’e mos hala’o trainamentu ba Timor oan nain 16 sai hanesan suplementar ba kontizensia refesoes (Catering) nian.

Durante kampaña perfurasaun BUIW, ekipa perfurasaun Timor oan involve ona aktividade atu suporta perfurasaun, Completion no flowback ba posu perfursaun nian. Aktividade sira mak hanesan planu operasaun seguru, konstrusaun posu husi ekipamentu perfursaun Jack up, planu efisiensia lojistiku, ezekuzasaun ekipamentu no pessoal, monitoriza kondisuan klima no operasaun sistema komunikasaun.

Ekipa hotu-hotu kompleta ona kursu Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) and the Oil and Gas United Kingdom (OGUK) Medical hanesan kursu mandatori wainhira atu tama iha fasilidade operasaun mina ho gas.

Ekipa perfurasaun Timor oan mos registu tiha ona iha kompaña Noble nia programa tutoria atu supporta treinamento durante sira iha servisu.

Desde inisiu aktividade Bayu Undan nian, ConocoPhillips hatama ona program empregu ho treinamentu iha ambitu servisu atu kria oportunidade ba Timor oan sira atu desenvolve habilidade, laos deit iha aktividade pertrolifera maibe habilidade bele mos transfere ba industria, projeitu no kna’ar seluk.

Iha tempu ne’ebé deit, Conocophillips esforsu atu halo liu rekuisitus iha kontratu fahe produtu Bayu Undan nian no kria tan oportunidade atu hasa’e  konteidu lokal iha Timor Leste.

ConocoPhillips nia Well Operation Manager, Luke Lawrence hateten katak kumpri komitmentu hanesan dalan ida atu kompaña kontinua hatudu nia nian komitmentu iha konteidu lokal.

“Conocophillips ho nia kontratante sira iha komitmentu atu fó empregu no oportunidade atu dezenvolve Timor oan sira sa’e professional. Iha faktus katak agora dadaun kuase 300 Timor oan hetan trainamentu no empregu ona hanesan parte husi prejeitu Bayu Undan” Señor Lawrence hateten.  

“Ho aktividade perfurasaun ne’ebé la’o dadaun husi parte programa Infill Wells nian, ami iha membru foun ne’ebé mai loron-loron no ami solidu tebes atu fahe tutorial no supporta Timor oan sira no akomoda sira iha nia kna’ar”

“ami kontente tebes atu simu ami nia membru foun sira iha ekipa perfurasaun nian no desezu bo’ot ba sira hotu”

Find out more about Local Content in Timor-Leste

ConocoPhillips as the operator of the Bayu-Undan project, and the other joint venturers - Santos, INPEX, Eni, Tokyo Gas and JERA, have had the privilege of developing the Bayu-Undan petroleum resources together with Timor-Leste and Aus