Electrical & Instrumentation (E&I) Program Delivering Successful Graduates ready for the workforce

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On 28 January this year, a group of 24 students had reason to celebrate as they graduated with a Certificate II in Electrical and Instrumentation. The best part, almost all have started job placements or internships to apply their newly learnt skills.

Viriato Mohana Quintas, who recently graduated, has been placed in a job at the Inur Sakato Power Plant as an Electrical Specialist for WARTSILA. He appreciates the training program, which has helped built his capacity to work in his current role.  

“I am very pleased to be part of the electrical and instrumentation training program because it taught me to work safely and follow procedures set out for electrical and instrumentation as per industry standards; likewise the training program equipped me with all necessary skills and knowledge to perform my job professionally in a team-work environment”, Viriato said.

The vocational training program began in 2017 in partnership with the government of Timor-Leste, represented by the Autoridade Nacional do Petroléo e Minerais (ANPM) and SEFOFE, and funded by the Bayu-Undan Joint Venture. The program is jointly implemented by CNEFP-Tibar and CEGELEC Oil & Gas at the Tibar Training Centre.

The program trains students in Certificate I & II in Electrical and Instrumentation, who are then supported to seek an opportunity to gain practical experience within industries across Timor-Leste. All eighteen graduates from the first batch successfully obtained internship placements. Likewise, all students from the second batch who recently graduated have all been confirmed to undergo an internship program with various industries in the country.

But the focus of the program is not only to produce skilled graduates, it also aims to train local trainers to independently deliver the program in the future. Based the success of the first two intakes, the program partners have recently confirmed a third intake of students, funded by the Bayu-Undan joint venture.

We look forward to seeing their progress over the year!

Programa Elétrika & Instrumentasaun nian Oferese Graduadus ne’ebé Susesu, prontu atu tama iha forsa traballu nian

Iha loron 28 Janeiru tinan ida-ne’e, grupu ida hosi estudantes nain 24 iha duni razaun atu komemora tanba sira graduadu ona hosi Sertifikadu II iha Elétrika no Instrumentasaun. Parte ida di’akliu, kuaze hotu-hotu komesa ona ho kolokasaun ba serbisu ka estájiu hodi aplika sira-nia abilidades foun ne’ebé aprende ona.

Viriato Mohana Quintas, ne’ebé graduadu foin lailais, kolokadu ona iha postu ida iha Uzina Inur Sakato nian nu’udár Espesialista Elétriku ba WARTSILA. Nia apresia tebes programa formasaun ne’e, ne’ebé ajuda ona nia hodi hasa’e ninia kapasidade atu hala’o kna’ar iha ninia funsaun ida atuál ne’e.

 “Hau kontente tebes hola parte iha programa formasaun elétrika no instrumentasaun nian tanba nia hanorin mai hau atu serbisu ho seguru no halo-tuir prosedimentus ne’ebé estabelese ona ba elétrika no instrumentasaun tuir padraun sira indústria nian; aleinde ne’e, programa formasaun ne’e fó abilidades no koñesimentu hotu-hotu ne’ebé nesesáriu mai hau atu hala’o hau-nia serbisu profisionalmente iha ambiente ida serbisu ekipa nian”, Viriatodehan.

Programa formasaun profisionál ne’e hahú hala’o iha 2017 iha parseria ho governu Timor-Leste, reprezenta hosi Autoridade Nacional do Petroléo e Minerais (ANPM) no SEFOFE, no finansia hosi Joint Venture Bayu-Undan nian. Programa ne’e implementa juntamente hosi CNEFP-Tibar no CEGELEC Oil & Gas iha Sentru Formasaun Tibar.

Programa ne’e fó formasaun ba estudante sira iha Sertifikadu I & II ba Elétrika & Instrumentasaun, ne’ebé tuirmai sei hetan tulun atu buka oportunidade hodi hetan esperiénsia prátika ba iha indústria sira ne’ebé iha Timor-Leste. Graduadus nain sanulu resin-ualu hotu-hotu hosi grupu primeiru nian ne’e hetan ona vagas ba estájiu nian ho susesu. Nune’e mós, estudantes hotu-hotu hosi grupu segundu nian ne’ebé foin graduadu ne’e konfirmadu hotu ona atu partisipa iha programa estájiu ida ho indústrias oioin iha rai-laran.

Maibé foku hosi programa ne’e la’ós atu prodús graduadus ne’ebé kualifikadu, aleinde ne’e, nia mós iha objetivu atu fó formasaun ba formadór lokál sira atu hato’o programa ne’e independentemente iha aban-bainrua. Bazeia ba susesu hosi entradas rua primeiru, parseirus ba programa ne’e resentemente konfirma kona-ba entrada datoluk ba estudante sira, ne’ebé finansia hosi joint venture Bayu-Undan.

Ami ansiozu tebes atu haree sira-nia progresu iha tinan hirak oinmai!