Bayu-Undan JV Supports a Scholarship Program and Science Laboratory at Colegio St. Inacio de Loiola

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The Bayu-Undan Joint Venture has supported Colegio St. Inacio de Loiola (CSIL) in Dili, Timor-Leste for the past several years. The school is run by the Jesuit mission, who are renowned for their experience in delivering high quality education and inspiring future leaders.

The Bayu-Undan Scholarship Program began in 2016, giving Timorese students from the Liquica district access the quality of education offered by the Jesuits at CSIL. The scholarship is a fully funded program to support students from economically disadvantaged families, with all educational and associated costs for their education from year 7 to year 12.

Since the scholarship program began, a total of 25 students have become beneficiaries of the program and are currently progressing well with positive results. The first 8 students to enter CSIL through the scholarship program are now in year 11 and expected to graduate next year. A further 17 students have followed in their footsteps and currently undertaking their studies in year 8 and 9 and are expected to graduate in 2023 and 2024.

Last year saw the start of an exciting new development at CSIL - construction of a purpose-built science laboratory as a hands-on learning space for the students to undertake lab components of all Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics classes across all year levels at the school.

The Bayu-Undan JV provided a portion of funding required for the Science Laboratory in 2019 and intends to provide a further portion this year, with the project to complete within Q1 2020. As the Bayu-Undan field approaches End of Field Life, the Bayu-Undan JV saw the opportunity to invest in construction of the science lab as a sustainable educational resource, and a Bayu-Undan legacy for the school.

The Bayu-Undan Joint Venture is proud of the positive relationship with the CSIL and the great results being delivered by this community investment. We look forward to the seeing the scholarship students graduate over the coming years.  

JV Bayu-Undan Suporta Programa Bolsu Estudu no Laboratóriu Siénsias iha Koléjiu St. Inacio de Loiola

Joint Venture Bayu-Undan suporta ona Koléjiu St. Inacio de Loiola (CSIL) iha Dili, Timor-Leste durante tinan balun ikus ne’e nia laran. Eskola ne’e administra hosi misaun Jezuíta, ne’ebé famozu tebes entermusde sira-nia esperiénsia hodi fornese edukasaun ne’ebé ho kualidade aas no fó inspirasaun ba líder sira aban-bainrua nian.

Programa Bolsu Estudu Bayu-Undan nian ne’e komesa iha tinan 2016, ne’ebé fó oportunidade ba estudantes Timoroan sira hosi distritu Liquica atu hetan asesu ba edukasaun ho kualidade ne’ebé oferese hosi Jezuíta sira iha CSIL. Bolsu estudu ne’e nu’udár programa ida ne’ebé totalmente finansiadu atu tulun estudantes ne’ebé mai hosi família sira mak ekonomikamente desfavoresidu, ho kustus edukasionál no mós kustu hotu-hotu ne’ebé asosiadu ba sira-nia edukasaun hosi kedas 7o Anu to’o 12o Anu.

Dezde programa bolsu estudu ne’e hahú, totál iha estudantes nain 25 ona mak sai benefisiáriu hosi programa ne’e no atualmente hetan progresu di’ak ho rezultadus ne’ebé pozitivu. Estudantes nain 8 primeiru ne’ebé tama iha CSIL liuhosi programa bolsu estudu ida-ne’e agora daudaun tuur iha 11o Anu no espera katak sira sei graduadu iha tinan oin. Estudantes nain 17 tan mak la’o tuir sira-nia ain-fatin no agora daudaun hala’o hela sira-nia estudu iha 8o no 9o Anu no espera katak sei graduadu iha tinan 2023 no 2024.

Tinan kotuk marka inísiu hosi dezenvolvimentu foun ida interesante iha CSIL – konstrusaun ba laboratóriu siénsias nian ne’ebé propozitadamente konstruída nu’udár espasu aprendizajen ida prátiku ba estudante sira atu realiza komponentes laboratóriu ba aulas hotu-hotu iha dixiplina Matemátika, Biolojia, Kímika no Fízika iha nível ensinu hotu-hotu iha eskola.

JV Bayu-Undan nian fornese porsaun ida hosi finansiamentu ne’ebé nesesáriu ba Laboratóriu Siénsias nian iha tinan 2019 no iha hanoin atu fornese tan porsaun adisionál ida iha tinan ida-ne’e, ho projetu ne’ebé sei konklui iha Trimester Dahuluk tinan 2020 nian. Tanba kampu minarai Bayu-Undan nian hakbesik daudaun ona ba Rohan hosi ninia Vida Útil, JV Bayu-Undan haree katak oportunidade atu investe iha konstrusaun ba laboratóriu siénsias nian ne’e nu’udár rekursu edukasionál ida sustentável, no mós nu’udár Bayu-Undan nia legadu ida ba eskola refere.

Joint Venture Bayu-Undan sente orgullu tebes ho relasaun pozitivu ne’ebé kria ona ho CSIL no rezultadus exelente ne’ebé alkansa ona hosi investimentu komunitáriu ida-ne’e. Ami ansiozu atu haree estudantes benefisiárius hosi bolsu estudu ida-ne’e sei graduadu iha tinan hirak oinmai.

Bayu-Undan JV Supports a Scholarship Program and Science Laboratory at Colegio St. Inacio de Loiola