18 trainees first to graduate from pilot program in Timor-Leste

A group of 18 trainees were the first to graduate from a new vocational training program, gaining a Level II Certificate in Electrical and Instrumentation Maintenance, one of the only courses of its kind offered locally in Timor-Leste. 

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A group of 18 trainees were the first to graduate from a new vocational training program, gaining a Level II Certificate in Electrical and Instrumentation Maintenance, one of the only courses of its kind offered locally in Timor-Leste. 

Many of the graduates will now go on to complete internships with local businesses, and some have been selected to enter directly into paid employment.

The 12-month course was a pilot program comprised of six months of theory followed by six months of practical in both disciplines. The first group of trainees graduated in August this year.

Abilio Fernandes is one of the recent graduates, and he is looking forward to using his newly gained knowledge and skills to assist other Timorese looking to get into a similar line of work.

“This is my first time participating in this kind of high quality training program, which prioritises safety as number one even to perform a small task,” he said. “I personally feel proud because all the effort we put in during the training has paid off. I will do my best to apply what I learnt and share with others who might need my assistance in the future.”

Eric A.M. da Costa, another graduate, believes that having electrical and instrumentation experience will support the economic development of the country.

“I believe that we are now well equipped with the skill set taught during the training, which will help us to compete with others in the market for a gradual development of Timor-Leste,” he said.

The program was developed by ConocoPhillips, representing the Bayu-Undan Joint Venture partners, the Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (ANPM) and SEPFOPE and is jointly implemented by CNEFP-Tibar and Cegelec.

In addition to providing a qualification in Electrical and Instrumentation Maintenance, the program includes a ‘train the trainer’ element, whereby Cegelec trainers upskill local trainers from CNEFP-Tibar to enable them to deliver the course into the future and ensure the program’s sustainability.

Chris Wilson, President of ConocoPhillips Australia Business Unit West, said the benefits of the program were many and wide-reaching.

“The sustainability of this program is strong, as it will not only provide employment opportunities for those involved, but it also addresses skills shortages within Timor-Leste, and builds the capacity of local trainers to deliver high quality technical courses locally, which is fantastic,” he said.

“ConocoPhillips and our JV partners are very proud to support this program and we look forward to seeing the graduates applying the skills and knowledge they have gained in their internships and future careers.”

Secretary of State H.E. Sr. Julião da Silva said he is looking forward to Timor-Leste being able to do similar training, not only in Dili but also expanding to other districts to benefit many young Timorese across the country. 

Recruitment will soon start for a second round of trainees, with the hope that the second cohort will commence their studies in late 2018.

Estaziariu 18 primeiru gradua husi programa pilotu iha Timor-Leste 17 SeTEMBRU 2018

Grupu estaziariu 18 sai hanesan grupu primeiru nebe gradua husi programa treinamentu vokasional foun, hodi simu Sertifikadu II iha area Eletrisidade no Manutensaun Instrumentu, kursu uniku ida ne’ebe mak foin fornese lokal iha Timor-Leste.

Graduadu barak mak agora ba kontinua programa estaziu ho emprezariu lokal sira, no sira balun selesionadu hodi hetan serbisu direitamente hosi emprezariu hirak nee.

Kursu pilotu ba fulan 12 kompostu husi teoria fulan neen no pratika fulan neen iha displina rua nee. Grupu primeiru gradua iha fulan Agustu tinan ida nee.

Abilio Fernandes nudar graduadu ida dehan nia hein hodi uza kuinesimentu no skill mak nia aprende durante kursu nee hodi ajuda maluk Timor-oan sira nebe mak hakarak atu serbisu iha area hanesan.

“Ida nee pela primeira vez hau partisipa iha programa treinamentu ho kualidade aas hanesan ida nee, nebe fo prioridade ba seguransa ema nia vida mesmu atu halo serbisu kiik ida”, nia dehan. “Hau pesoalmente sente orgullu tamba esforsu hotu mak ami halo durante ne’e selu ho graduasaun nee. Hau sei esforsu hodi aplika saida mak hau aprende no fahe hau nia matenek ho sira seluk mak presija hau nia ajuda iha futuru.”

Eric A.M. da Costa, graduadu seluk, fiar katak ho esperensia eletriku no instrumentu mak nia aprende sei suporta desenvolvimentu ekonomiku nasaun ida nee.

“Hau fiar katak agora ami aprende buat barak ona durante periudu treinamentu, nebe sei ajuda ami hodi kompete ho ema seluk iha merkadu hodi ikus mai bele kontribui ba desenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian”. Nia dehan.

Programa nee desenvolve husi ConocoPhillips, reprezenta parseiru sira iha projetu Bayu-Undan, Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (ANPM) no SEPFOPE, no implementa konjunta husi CNEFP-Tibar no Cegelec.

Programa treinamentu nee aliende fornese kualifikasaun iha area eletriku no manutensaun instrumentu, programa nee mos inklui elemen ‘train the trainer’, nebe  treinador  Cegelec ajuda hasae mos kapasidade treinador lokal husi CNEFP-Tibar atu nune sira bele halao rasik programa treinamentu hanesan iha futuru hanesan parte ida husi sustentabilidade programa nee nian.

Chris Wilson, Presidente ConocoPhillips Australia Business Unit West, programa treinamentu nee lori benefisiu barak ba area oioin.

“Sustentabilidade husi programa nee forte tebes, tamba laos kria deit oportunidade empregu ba sira nebe mak involve, maibe mos hatan ba skill hirak nebe sei falta iha Timor-Leste, no hasae kapasidade treinador lokal hodi halao treinamentu tekniku ho kualidade aas iha Timor -Leste, nebe fantastiku tebes”. Nia dehan.

“ConocoPhillips ho ami nia parseiru sira sente orgullu tebes hodi suporta programa nee no ami hein hodi hare graduadu sira aplika kuinesimentu no skill mak sira aprende iha sira nia programa estaziu no kareira iha futuru”.

Secretario Estado H.E. Sr. Julião da Silva hateten katak nia hein katak loron ida Timor-Leste sei iha kapasidade hodi halao treinamentu nebe hanesan, laos deit iha Dili maibe espande ba distritu sira hodi lori benefisiu ba foin-sae Timor-oan sira iha nasaun nee.

Rekrutamentu ba segundu ronde sei hahu iha tempu badak, no treinamentu sei komesa molok 2018 remata.